Putting you back in the driver’s seat of life.

Life Coaching Services

Our coaching packages are designed to help you work through a specific problem or make progress on your long-term goals.

Each package starts with a discovery call to see if we’re a good fit for each other.


1-Month Coaching Package

A single-month coaching package is ideal for working through a specific problem or feeling. It could be a conversation that is weighing on your mind and triggering something deeper, or an event that recently happened that you are trying to understand.

Together, we’ll get to the heart of the issue and give you some tools for moving forward with purpose & confidence.

3-Month Coaching Package

The 3-Month coaching package is perfect if you are working toward a specific goal, such as learning to love after a divorce, or discovering passion and purpose after children have left the nest.

Together, we’ll address any mindset issues that might be holding you back & identify tangible actions for moving you forward.

6-Month Coaching Package

If you’re ready to commit to a long-term goal and be held accountable, the 6-Month package is for you. Long-term goals include any major life change, ones that have occurred or ones you want to make happen.

Together, we’ll set checkpoints, help you overcome hurdles along the way, and guide you to creating a life you love!


Not sure which package is right for you?

Book a no-strings-attached discovery call and let’s get to know each other.

Make the best decision.

“Working with Seasons Life Coaching is the best decision I made this year. I felt lost after my youngest went to college. Kristi helped me discover new passions and goals and feel excited about my life again.”

— Barbara H. California