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What if every season of life felt easy like summer?

You can’t always control the changes in your life, but you can control how you choose to live through them.

Seasons Life Coaching helps you uncover the tools you need to take charge of this new season… and make it your best one yet.

"That was fun! I left the session with excitement. You are a great coach!"

— M. Q., Utah

kristi straus seasons life coaching for empty nesters change transitions mindset training

Hi, I’m Kristi.

I remember when the right words and people made all the difference in my life. Now, as a Certified Life Coach, I am finding so much joy in supporting other women who are experiencing difficult transitions.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost, you’re not alone.

I believe in you. Together, let’s put you back in control & help you fall in love with your life again.